"In 2007, I learned about the Partners of the Americas-University of Arkansas (UofA) partnership which offers in-state tuition for Bolivian students. When I saw the difference between in-state versus out-of-state tuition fees, there was no doubt that the UofA was my top choice. When I needed guidance at college, all of the UofA advisors and teachers were amazingly helpful. At the UofA, I studied Apparel Design, and I can say that my college years werethe best days of my life. Learning English and studying apparel design opened the doors to the world! Mastering the English language was a huge help because I was able to communicate effectively, which allowed me to travel overseas to Paris and London and connect with many influential people. By taking courses about the chemistry of fabrics and the production of garments, I had the essential tools to build my own brand
overseas. I graduated in 2011 and since then I have created two clothing brands and have been working with brands overseas. With the money saved by choosing the POA-UofA tuition benefits, I traveled throughout the US, met different cultural groups, and experienced styles to apply in my fashion life. Thanks to POA I reached my dream: graduating from an American university and becoming the person I am today!"
earn about the UofA Bolivian Tuition Advantage!